St. Agnes Junior High

Online Learning & Chromebook Pick up

As of January 5, the provincial government announced the delay of in person learning until January 17th.  In response, we will pivot to an online learning model from January 10-14th.

We are asking the parent/guardians of those students requiring a Chromebook to accompany their child to school at the scheduled time to sign a permission form. Once the form has been completed, staff will issue a Chromebook and charger that can be used for the remainder of the school year.

To receive a Chromebook, students and parents/guardians are asked to arrive at the designated grade level door at the following times:

January 6
Homeroom 705 & 905: 1:30-3:00

January 7
Homeroom 701, 801, 901- 8:30-10:00
Homeroom 702, 802, 902-  10:00-11:30
Homeroom 703, 803, 903-  11:30-1:00
Homeroom 704, 804, 904- 1:00- 2:30

Parents/Guardians who are not able to accompany their child to school at the designated time will have an opportunity to fill out a permission form and receive a Chromebook on January 7th from 3:00-4:30. Those coming at this time are asked to arrive at the main entry doors. Alternatively, parents/guardians can opt to complete the form found attached to this message and have their child submit to staff on Thursday/Friday.

Should you have additional questions after speaking with staff, please contact the school 902-493-5132 or  We continue to appreciate your patience and support in these uncertain times.