St. Agnes Junior High

Wearing Masks at School 2020-21

When students return to school on September 8th there will be an expectation that non-medical masks are worn covering a student's nose and mouth. This has been mandated across Nova Scotia from grade 4-12 while in shared spaces at school or where 6ft (2m) social distancing may not be possible. Though wearing a mask has been a consistent procedure throughout Nova Scotia with other businesses and establishments since the end of July 2020, students could be potentially wearing them for longer time periods than they have gotten used to through the month of August. With this in mind please encourage your student to wear a mask at home for extended periods of time each day to begin adjusting to this expectation before the start of school. Further information regarding the use of masks in Nova Scotia may be obtained through the following link:


The following information from Nova Scotia's "Back to School" Plan -Executive Summary August 14, 2020 will also be implemented at St. Agnes Junior High School:

  •  students in grades 4 to 12 will wear a mask unless they are in a classroom seated 2m / 6ft from others and facing in the same directon, eating their lunch, or participating in physical activity
  •  teachers and staff will wear masks whenever they are unable to maintain physical distance from others
  •  schools will provide two reusable masks to all students and staff
  •  students are encouraged to bring masks to school. If they forget, a mask will be provided
  •  students and staff may choose to wear a mask even when one is not required