St. Agnes Junior High

June 17th, 2024

Here are the announcements for Monday, June 17th, 2024

  • Happy Pride Week Gators! The GSA invites all students and staff to Show Your Pride all week by dressing in either: rainbow colours, pride flag colours, monochrome (all red, all blue), something that shows your personality (maybe your favourite band shirt), or anything that makes you happy!

  • On Wednesday at lunch, the GSA will be having a bake sale/craft sale where we will be selling baked goods (cupcakes, cookies) and some Pride themed crafts (bracelets, key chains, a few crochet items). All proceeds will be going to The Transformation Closet. The Transformation Closet provides free gender-affirming gear to folks around Nova Scotia.

  • The Literature Club will be meeting at the beginning of lunch today in Mr. Jodrey’s Room 4