St. Agnes Junior High

September 22nd, 2023

  • Congrats to our Male Identifying Soccer Team on their 3-0 victory yesterday.  A great beginning to our season led by the strong play of Sam Flemming and Aiden Veinot.  Goals were scored by Lokua, Julian, Oliver.  We will have a practice after school on Monday 3-4pm.

  • Female Identifying volleyball tryouts are next week, on Monday and Wednesday after school from 3-4pm. There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board outside of the office in the main lobby. Please see Ms. Johnston or Ms. O’Brien if you have any questions.

  • Grade nine students that are interested in participating in Student Council are to meet in room 8 -Ms. Keddy’s room (instead of Mme Clark’s room) at 12:05. Looking forward to seeing everyone!