St. Agnes Junior High

November 15th, 2021

The boy’s volleyball team will have a practice in the gym today at lunch from 11:20-12:15.

Ms. Thomas is offering extra help this week, both in the morning before school starts and at lunch time. If you have any questions please see her in room 4.

This is a reminder to any female identifying students who are considering a career in Engineering - Dalhousie University is hosting their annual “Go Eng Girl” event for grade 7-12 students next Saturday November 27th. Please stop by the main office to get a sheet with more information about how to register for this event.

G.O.A.L. (Girls Only Active Lunch) will be held in the gym Thursday from 11:30 - 12:30 with Ms. Keddy.  Bring your lunch and then participate in activities of your choice.   Hope to see you there.