St. Agnes Junior High

January 21st, 2020

Morning Announcements - January 21


We acknowledge that we are in Mi'kma'ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi'kmaq people.


Yearbooks are now on sale again! This will be your last chance to order personalization! Order forms can be picked up from Ms. Johnston, or you can purchase online. Forms are due back by February 17th.


Tickets are available in the main office for our BINGLOW (evening of Bingo) this Friday January 24th from 7:00 - pm - 8:30 pm. ( $10 ) Students are welcome and encouraged to attend. This event will help support our school.


Guidance from Citadel High School will attend our school on January 30th to review the course selection process for Grade 10 with our Grade 9 students.