St. Agnes Junior High

A message to St. Agnes Junior High School from HMCS FREDERICTON


To the staff and students of SAJH,

Warmest greetings to you all from the high seas.  You may recall that back in November, you so kindly welcomed Able Seaman Madison Cross and I to your fine school to participate in the Remembrance Day ceremony.  It was a privilege for us both to speak to such an attentive audience on such an important occasion.  Thank you very much for the gift of a mug showing the SAJH colours and mascot.

In late January, HMCS FREDERICTON, the ship that AB Cross and I belong to, departed Halifax for a 6 month, international mission.  This past week our warship navigated across the Atlantic ocean and through the narrow strait of Gibraltar. This strait is very special to seagoing people, because on one side you can see Africa and on the other side you can see Europe.  It is the border between a long Atlantic crossing, and arrival in the Mediterranean Sea.  Please find attached a photo taken of your school mug with Gibraltar in the background.

As our mission will take us all over Europe, our intent is to showcase your school mug in all the noteworthy places that we pass by, so please stand by for more fun “Mug Shots” as we serve Canada abroad, with you here in spirit.

Stay safe and study hard,

Yours Aye,
Commander Blair Brown and Able Seaman Madison Cross